Our mission is to provide the best possible dance instruction in a supportive and safe environment.
We view dance as not only an extra curricular activity, but as art that inspires education, confidence, creativity, and individual growth. Our unique approach of progressive instruction nurtures yet challenges our students as dancers and individuals. PDC students receive the best quality training from select instructors with extensive dance backgrounds and/or academic dance degrees.
Our goal has and always will be to share our talent, knowledge and passion for dance with others, hoping to inspire them to follow their dreams. Prodigy Dance Company provides both competitive, non-competitive dance, and selected physical fitness instruction in:
Stretch and Strength
Combo fusion
Ankle Strengthening
Ballet Repertoire
Our Policies
An annual $60 registration fee is due at the time of registration and will not be refunded. All registrants are required to have a credit card or bank account on file to secure a spot in a session. Tuition payments will be processed with the payment method shown on file AUTOMATICALLY on the 20th of each month for the following month’s tuition. For Example: Tuition for September will be charged August 20th. There will be a 3.5% administrative fee to use a credit or debit card. There is NO charge if you add your bank account under ACH (Automated Clearing House), which is the authorization to debit directly from the customer's checking or savings account.
By registering your child for sessions, you agree to have your monthly tuition automatically withdrawn. This authorization will remain in effect until notified by the customer in writing, with a 2-week written cancellation notice via email.
Tuition not paid by the 25th of the month is subject to a $25 late fee. If you feel there is a discrepancy on your account, please email us at info@prodigydance.com.
All declined/returned payments are subject to a $35 fee that will be charged to your account. Customers are responsible for making sure their credit card or bank account on file is current. You MUST update your online account if your credit card or bank account information has changed or expires in order to avoid a $25 late fee.
Prodigy Dance Company has the authorization to initiate electronic payments for ANY balances past due on the account.
Tuition is the same every month and will not be prorated for missed sessions, observed holiday’s or studio breaks. Tuition is calculated based on the number of weeks in the season (August 21, 2023 – July 27, 2024) and is divided into equal monthly payments. This includes months with 5 weeks, recital week, studio holidays and breaks, which are distributed throughout the season by month. The tuition for 1 session/week is $29.75, which corresponds to $119/month, based on a standard length of a four-week month. A list of studio holidays can be found on our website at www.prodigydance.com, under the “Schedule” tab. The first charge for August 2023 will be automatically withdrawn on July 20th.
Any account that is more than 2 months past due, will automatically be sent to collections by our accounting department.
All recreational private lessons will automatically be charged after the lesson is completed. All competitive private lessons will be charged one month in advanced on the 20th of each month.
There is a 24-hour email cancellation policy for all private lessons. Any private lesson that is cancelled less than 24 hours before the scheduled private, will be CHARGED IN FULL to your account.
Dress Code
All dancers are required to abide by the dress code in order to participate in their registered session(s). Students who do not meet the listed dress code requirements, will be asked to sit out of session and observe without the option to make-up that session.
See dress code requirements here.
Session sizes are limited. A paid registration fee reserves your place in a session and is due upon registration. If a session is full, your dancer will be placed on a waiting list.
PDC reserves the right to provide a substitute teacher, if the regular teacher is ill or otherwise unable to teach. PDC reserves the right to cancel, reschedule or combine sessions.
If sessions have fewer than 4 students enrolled, the session may be subject to cancellation.
If only 1 student attends a class, she or he will receive a 30-minute private lesson at that time. In this instance, if a 2nd student shows up later then 10 minutes without notice before the start of the session, she or he may join the remainder of the private lesson. However, sessions will end after 30- minutes. Please notify us via e-mail or phone if you are running more than 10 minutes late to your session.
Session Make-Up and Cancellation Policy
We require a 2-week written cancellation notice via email only to drop a session and discontinue tuition payments. If a session is dropped less than 2 weeks in advance, tuition will still be charged for the following month.
Make-up sessions are not offered for studio breaks or holidays with the exception of: Labor Day, Halloween, Veterans Day, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and Memorial Day. The expectation is that dancer(s) will begin instruction in August and remain until July. Accommodations may be made for dancers that enroll after August, by prorating the tuition for the first partial month only. Thereafter, the tuition will remain the same.
In the case of an absence due to illness or emergency, a make-up session may be scheduled within 2 weeks of the absence. Make-up sessions are the same level or below. You may not make-up sessions in closed sessions that require approval for registration. You must sign in for your make-up session at the front desk. If a class is made up after the 2-week period, it will be charged as a drop-in to your account. The drop-in rate is $35.
Given the aforementioned emphasis on continuity and maintaining an optimal environment, dancers will not be able to make up missed sessions after April 1, 2024 for the remainder of the session. This is both for the sake of the dancer as well as the session. Making up a session with dancers who are already well into their specific sessions’ recital choreography, places the dancer in a position of being expected to know material they have not yet learned, and disallows the session from picking up where they left off.
PDC Values
We are...
Kind - We are friendly, genuine, and considerate people. We value the feelings and hearts of others. True expression in dance only exists when kindness comes first and we embrace that.
Excited - We are passionate about dance. We feel dance in our minds, our bodies, and our hearts. We go the extra mile for success
using the fire within ourselves.
Flexible - Dance is a creative expression and expressions often change. We are of understanding and ready for this change. We take on change in full force and with a positive attitude. We are adaptable, and therefore, we are successful.
Active - Dance is a movement and we are always in motion. We focus our energy for amazing results. We work, smile, and stay motivated.
Responsible - Our actions drive us and we take accountability for them. We are on time, ready, and engaged. We practice and do the work to improve. If we make a poor choice, we immediately own it and strive to do better.
One Team - We root for everyone in our company. Everyone is individually valued and we are grateful for their presence. We reward positive attitude and outstanding performance. We cheer the success of others for it is our own. We are one team. #WeArePDC
Rules and Etiquette
• RESPECT: Your instructors, your fellow students, and yourself.
• No talking while the instructor is speaking, demonstrating, or choreographing. Follow their directions and comply with staff requests.
• Pay attention when other students are dancing – you can learn from them.
• Be supportive and show encouragement to other dancers.
• Listen first and ask questions if you do not understand.
• Be kind to everyone in the studio. no gossiping or bullying allowed in the studio.
• School rules apply at the studio. No inappropriate language, conversations, or movements. Be a role model for other students.
• There will be times when the instructor will employ hands-on adjusting corrections to the student(s).
• Dress appropriately. (See dress code.)
• Write your name on all dance clothes and shoes in case they get lost. If items in lost and found are not claimed within 30 days, they will be donated to charity. It is not recommended to bring valuables to the studio in your dance bags.
• Pull hair back in a bun or ponytail for all sessions.
• No cell phones, gum, candy, food, or drinks allowed. Bottled water only.
• Please do not touch mirrors and do not hang from the barres.
• No running in the dance room (unless it is a part of a routine).
• If a dancer is disruptive to the session, he/she will be asked to sit out until they can compose themselves.
• Keep hands and feet to yourself. No rough play.
• Always give 100% and bring a positive attitude to session. Please arrive 5 minutes before the session starts and leave your troubles at the door.
• Any dancer(s) that arrive more than 15 minutes late, will have their participation evaluated at the sole discretion of the teacher. This is strictly a safety issue, as a dancer could suffer serious injury, if they have not properly stretched.
• At the end of the session, say thank you and goodbye to your instructor.
• Be kind to others, and try to include outsiders and new comers. It is important to be polite and civil at all times.
• Unless there is permission from the parents to leave the premises, you are expected to stay in the studio at all times. We are and cannot be responsible for any dancer(s) that are not in his/her scheduled session(s), and/or have left the premises.
• We encourage communication with instructors, staff, and the studio owner. All we ask is that you choose an appropriate time or leave a message for them to call you. Please do not take time out of session for concerns or complaints.
• Your dancer will be responsible for any damage caused by him/her to the studio or another student’s personal property.
If you are a competition member at Prodigy Dance Company, there are an additional set of standards to follow (See Competition Program page).